Read Dayana's story“My favourite place is the park, I like it when my mummy takes us there.”
Read Nona's story“I felt like I should be in school, and it made me sad to see other children going.”
Read Karla's story“My dream of the future is to move forward by helping my mother and studying.”
Read Arun's story“I live in a home that’s made of tarpaulin and in the extremely harsh cold, it is difficult to keep ourselves warm.”
Read Tina's story“We mainly relied on begging and the occasional support from well-wishers to get by.”
Read Carmen's story“The most important thing is that I now have education and health.”
Read Golu's story“I no longer have to worry about where my next meal will come from.”
Read Guicho's story“There is a lot of danger in the street- we have been taught that by our teachers.”
Read Neel's story“I used to play the whole day and roam around and was not learning anything.”
Read Joseph's story“The heavy rains have greatly affected our makeshift shelters.”
Read Tara's story“I used to watch other children going to school and often wondered if I would ever have the chance to do the same.”
Read Matias' story“Now I go to school every morning with my two brothers.”
Read Jorge's story“I’m proud of myself because I feel that I have improved – it’s as if I've evolved.”
Read Abigael's story“I feel empowered economically and with a lot of financial freedom, my self-esteem and my confidence have gone up.”
Read Ishya's story“My favourite thing about coming to the Mobile School is learning and playing with the different panels with my friends.”
Read Rajani's story“Birth registration is necessary for us - we must make it so that we can study and make our future!”
Read Syan's story“I felt so alone - I had no one to share my problems with”
Read Anaya's story“It was difficult for many years without my identity documents. I didn't understand why I didn't have my birth certificate.”
Read Chilemba's story“You can change your life despite your circumstances. You just need to have a purpose and be committed to it.”
Read Valerie and Eidi's story“I want to be a police officer when I grow up”
Read Mahesh's story“If I were the President, I would like to give birth registration to all street children and give them free education.”
Read Mabling's story“Before the project I didn’t know there was a problem with me. I had stayed for so long on the streets - that was the only life I knew. I believed that was my fate, I guess.”
Read Tumo's story“I am 13 and live on the streets of Nairobi. I came onto the streets in 2015 when my parents’ fighting became too much.”
Read Sparta's story“I don’t go to school – I’ve never been to school. I want to go for some vocational skills training and take a course in motor vehicle mechanics because I love it!”
Read Erick's story“I’m lucky – I’ve been coming to the project for so long that I don’t remember how different life was before.”
Read Layina's story“Street children are not treated with dignity or respect.”
Read Leo's story“In my community, there are lots of thieves around and they get angry and hurt you when you don’t have anything of value to give them.”
Read Feba's story“Period education is something we really need to discuss with every girl, to break the silence.”
Read John's story“I like planting seeds and watching them grow. It’s amazing how something so small can turn into a big plant.”
Read Elizabeth's story“With my parents working and out a lot, when I’m at the house, I’m alone most of the time. I cook my own food, like rice, eggs and sausages.”
Read Manuel's story“I know there will be a lot of challenges, but I’m going to support my child with everything I have.”
Read Alekh's story“We build fires with the textbooks that other people use to study, to keep warm.”
Read Daysi's story“I go to school and I love it because I can learn more things that I already know.”
Read Aamir's story“I started ragpicking when my dad became too ill to work.”
Read Dana's story“Life was different before - I used to spend my days working with my older brothers.”
Read Telvoh's story“I go around with my mother all day. At the savings group, I love playing with toys and drawing.”
Read Jamila's story“When we arrived from our village, we had nowhere to live so we had to live on the railway tracks.”
Read Shyla's story“I lost my ID card when I was getting on the bus, but I didn't think anything of it until I had my daughter.”
Read Himanshu's story“For as long as I can remember, all my family have always all gone out to work, leaving me at home on my own. I used to get so lonely.”
Read Kancha's story“To be successful we need education, and we need a birth certificate for identity.”
Read Gabriel's story“Being a child in my community is good, although I did used to have more fun before. I had more friends but now many of them have left or have died.”
Read Alma's story“My parents didn’t get my birth certificate for me when I was little – I think just because they didn’t want to.”
Read Ekram's story“I came to Delhi with my mother earlier this year. I make a living by helping my mother with the household work where she works as a cleaner.”
Read Amina's story“I faced difficulties in feeding my children, keeping them in school, paying our rent – at one point, we were all sleeping out on the streets.”
Read Simba's story“In my community, there are many different tribes who speak different languages. Most of the people there scavenge at the dumping site to earn a living.”
Read Betty's story“After attending my classes and Puerta de Esperanza, I help my grandmother prepare the the parts she will sell in the afternoon.”
Read Inaaya's story“I don’t have admission to school yet because of the unavailability of official documents and my Aadhar (ID) card.”
Read The Choc Family's story“You’ve helped us, you’ve supported us, and even though we’re still going through the process, you don’t give up on the people who need help.”
Read Amaan & Zeeshan's story“When we moved from Nepal to India, we didn’t think about not having the right documents. But when we got here, we couldn’t enrol in school.”
Read Hem's story“Once, my mother pushed me from the stairs of a public waterspout, and I was badly hurt. I know she was probably just drunk though.”
Read Asha's story“Not having my birth certificate made me feel like a refugee in my own country.”
Read Messi's story“I lived in fear with my siblings… we were afraid that we would be separated from our mother.”
Read Jaya's story“School is very important because it will help me to excel in life.”
Read Mark & Galaxy's story“We were hopeless since life was difficult and we had no one to turn to for assistance. We felt nobody cared.”
Read Alana's story“The cold of the streets was the worst thing – it makes you feel like all your insides are frozen.”
Read Tau's story“The biggest challenge on the street is surviving day to day.”
Read Khushi's story“Before I came to the project, I would sometimes have light snacks or remain hungry at times.”
Read Athini's story“My favourite food is chole puri, rajma and roti – I’d never had them before and I love the taste.”
Read Samuel's story“I didn’t have a birth certificate because my mum didn't pursue the case when I was little.”
Read Ahanna's story“Whenever I roam around with my friends, we often face eve teasing issues from strange men.”
Read Monica's story“Studying is the most important thing for me at the moment.”
Read Erwin's story“The market is not a safe place for children most of the time - many violent incidents have happened over the years I’d been here.”
Read Sonrisa's story“One of my greatest achievements so far has been getting into football.”
Read Ikroop's story“I used to feel that my future would be in darkness.”
Read Aamir's story“I used to roam around the streets and trouble my mother a lot - I was unable to think or feel about anything.”
Read Chinita's story“The football field is my favourite place – it’s where I feel free.”
Read The Ramirez Family's story“The streets are home now because this is where we live, it’s where I was pregnant with my children and where they spend their time now.”
Read Ricardo's story“The most important thing is that children have space to learn and play. We should always have the chance to be creative and use our skills.”
Read Abraham's story“I was recruited by the gang in my neighbourhood – they used to threaten me with things if I didn’t obey.”
Read Aurora's story“When I didn’t go to school, I was bored and tired at home on my own.”
Read Pinky's story“Due to the hot weather, many times food often goes rotten.”
Read Johny & Marco's story“It’s scary how easy it would be for someone to hurt us when we go out in the street.”
Read Chairman's story“To survive, I collect plastics and cartons around the estate and in the river – and on the weekends, I wash cars. It's hard work.”
Read Khem's story“I am a citizen of Nepal, entitled to receive services from the government for children.”
Read Sabir's story“Coming from street life to the point where I can earn money myself is a big thing, isn't it?”
Read Alejandra's story“I didn't have anywhere else to go but the street.”
Read Kanci's story“I want to encourage both women and men to help raise awareness on the challenges we face around menstruation and provide the support wherever needed.”
Read Ritu's story“I want to tell all the young girls that we should use sanitary pads to stay hygienic and have a carefree period.”
Read Shaheen's story“I think a lot about going to school and feel sad because when I see the children of my age going, while I’m working day and night.”
Read Dhonu's story“With street life, even if you want to do good, leave it behind or get a job, you can't find it quick enough which leads you back to the street.”
Read Eva & Lina's story“I used to feel scared that when I was older, the police would arrest me if I didn't have my birth certificate.”
Read Zera's story“I was begging in the streets, and it was hard. I couldn’t see any future.”
Read Marta's story“Before I had my birth certificate, life was so difficult. I had some really tricky moments because I was always scared.”
Read Adamu's story“I used to feel very lonely because I had no one to share my challenges with. I wanted to do something better than selling drugs but I didn’t know where to start.”
Read Anesh's story“I felt my life would end on the street.”
Read Zanthia's story“When I lived on the streets, I experienced so many horrible things. Everyone ignored me and no one ever respected me as a person.”
Read Ines' story“With our identity document, I now go to school and my parents have stable jobs.”
Read Angela's story“Take good care of yourselves and don’t stop using your mask, always wash your hands and take care of your families.”
Read Aditi's story“Everyone needs to know that using dirty clothes during menstruation can lead to disease and that it is very important to take special care of cleanliness at such times.”
Read Savitri's story“Buying sanitary towels was so far from reality and a completely impossible thing to do. When I got my period, I was using old clothes instead.”
Read Carlos' story“I would like to start my studies and be able to go to school knowing that I never have to miss a class again”
Read Chimini's story“If I could change one thing right now, it would be for coronavirus to go away, to have enough food and money, and to be able to continue my education so I can stand on my own.”
Read Mohini's story“Mohini has become a warrior of her community. She is praised, loved and appreciated by everyone for her bravery.”
Read Tej's story“My life has changed a lot since attending the project. I thought I would never be able to continue my education and that I would have to be on the street my entire life to earn a living.”
Read Amir's story“I pay a lot of attention to my studies and now speak with confidence to everyone. I love encouraging the rest of the children to study at the education club — I feel very happy when I help others and when I see children playing and studying instead of working.”
Read Reena's story“I’m very happy, after joining the learning centre I understood the importance of study and I have started thinking about my future.”
Read Blanca's story“With my ID I go to school, I have friends and I want to buy a house for my grandmother and my sisters.”
Read Devi's story“Devi was a self-conscious and introverted child but her involvement in sports and various activities has transformed her personality, she has become an extrovert and shows us that she is fearless.”
Read Sahana's story“I don’t know if we will die of Covid-19, but if conditions keep getting worse, we will starve.”
Read Sejun's story“Sejun was asked what made him happy, he responded; playing with his friends and said that he really misses them. He also said that he is desperate to go back to school and to the learning centre.”
Read story“I'm alone with my baby so the support has helped me a lot.”
Read Kevin's story“I miss Kindergarten, playing with my friends”
Read story“During the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, at the beginning of June 2020 El Salvador was hit by a devastating tropical storm.”
Read Kala's story“I am so happy my mother is back with me and that we can be together. I love school and want to be a teacher one day!”
Read Bibek's story“I used to spend most of my time collecting metal coins and sniffing glue down by the river.”
Read Isla's story“Sometimes you just need someone to hold your hand and set you on the right path, and that changes everything.”
Read Eddy's story“Participating in dance classes helps me to relax, forget my problems and leave the pain behind for a little while”
Read Jhalak's story“Education has completely changed Jhalak. Before she was very quiet and not confident with her reading and writing but now, she is one of the best students.”
Read Carlos' story“Carlos is one of the estimated 670,000 children in El Salvador whose birth was not registered.”
Read story“A devastating fire that had destroyed hundreds of homes in one of the communities where we have been working for the last five years.”
Read Selina's story“My children are the most important thing in my life – I don’t know how I would be if something happened to them.”
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