The latest edition of the Toybox prayer guide is now available online.
In our Autumn edition we pray for our work in Kenya where hunger and poor nutrition are causing great concern. This situation has been exacerbated by climate change and the high costs of transporting food items. We give thanks for our partner and their exciting new project with street children and young people in Nairobi - an Urban Farm.
We also give thanks for the churches involved in our work in El Salvador and pray for the children who attend these projects. We pray that as they learn about how they may take their rightful place in society, they may look to God as their role model.
The guide is released quarterly and this edition takes us through October, November and December 2022.
You can download your copy, or if you would like automatically receive the prayer guide straight to your inbox each quarter please fill in the form on the page here.
Thank you so much for praying with us.