As we step into 2025, the Team Toybox reflect on our journey so far and share our aspirations for the year ahead. Building upon our achievements over the last year, we are committed to reaching more street children, deepening our impact, and fostering innovation to create a just and fair world with no street children.
Join us as we outline our hopes and dreams for 2025, striving to make a lasting difference in the lives of vulnerable children worldwide.
Naomi L, Director of Marketing and Fundraising: "My hope for 2025 is that more young people access their rights to a fair justice system."
Lynne, CEO: "My hope is that we can convince funders and the UK public of the merit of supporting children who find themselves embroiled in a justice system."
Naomi O, Director of Impact and Programmes: "My hope is for the resources to be able to support more children and families to be safe and pursue their dreams."
Emilie, Head of Individual Giving: "I hope that in 2025 our new project in Ethiopia gets off to a good start and is able to help children on the streets to see that a brighter future is possible. I also hope we are able to help even more children to get their birth certificates!"
Smita, Programme Manager for Africa and Asia: "My hope and prayer for 2025 is that the year be free from climatic shocks and disasters, as these disproportionately impact street-connected children, youth, and communities. I also pray that Toybox continues to strengthen its outreach, ensuring we reach the most vulnerable street-connected children and youth with the care and support they need."
Nicky, Head of Philanthropic Giving: "My prayers are of course for us to be able to reach and impact the lives of as many street children as we can, but also for the health and strength of the extraordinary people we work in partnership with in each country. Their commitment, professionalism and compassion is beyond measure."
Jenny, Income and Database Administrator: "I pray that in 2025 more street children will be helped to make their dreams come true for a better future."
Gerry, Marketing and Content Manager: "My hope for the street children we work alongside is that they know that they are loved and matter."
Graeme, Director of Finance and Resources: "My hope for 2025 is that all the decisions we take make a positive impact on the safety of the children, and that they know how valued they are."
Kagna, Finance Officer:"I hope we will achieve our target for 2025 in both income and support for our programmes around the world and pray that all street children can access education to build a better bridge for their future."