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Reflections on the Kenyan floods

Updates • Kenya • Aug 2024

In May 2024, torrential rains caused devastating flooding in East Africa. In Kenya's capital, Nairobi, street children living in slum settlements have been disproportionally impacted. Shortly after the flooding, we asked project staff Charles and Fridah, from Toybox's local partner PKL, to share a personal update on the situation on the ground in the Nairobi communities they serve.

What are some of the main challenges currently faced by street children, young people and families in the communities where you work?

"The floods have created unsafe environments where street families - especially women and children, are more vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and accidents. The risk of drowning and injuries from debris has also increased, as the streets become hazardous due to the floods. Additionally, those without proper identification are being excluded from the formal aid distribution processes.

Continuous exposure to the harsh weather conditions coupled with the constant threat of losing their few possessions and threat to life has contributed to high levels of stress and trauma among the street families that we work with. There has also been damage to the temporary shelters of street families. Consequently, the government has ordered the immediate demolition of structures and the evacuation of people, mostly those connected to the streets, away from the rivers."

Charles, Outreach and ID Officer, PKL

"The lack of food has been a key problem since the street children and youth are unable to scavenge as the waste dumping areas are inaccessible. The business structures, goods and products were swept away and others destroyed during the demolitions. Sources of livelihoods have been severely affected, posing a challenge to survival. The other challenge has been the loss of property including household items and bedding."

Fridah, Economic Empowerment Programmes Officer, PKL

How is the current flooding crisis affecting the street children, young people and families you work alongside?

"The heavy rains and the floodwaters have destroyed and washed away the few possessions that street children, young people in the streets and their families had, including clothes, blankets, and essential identity documents.

Many of the street families that we work with depend on informal activities like begging, small trading, garbage collection or collecting recyclables for resale. The heavy rains and floods have also disrupted these activities, leading to a loss of income for the street families.

Unfortunately, most of our project participants have been affected by the floods which has led to delayed implementation of some of the project activities due to the devastating effects of the rains."


How did PKL respond to the flooding crisis?

"As PKL (and through the support of Toybox), we have been able to respond to the crisis through the emergency distribution of foods to families, mattresses and blankets for street children (pictured above) and clothing for our street bases to enable them to cope and keep warm, as the majority of them lost everything.

The emergency distribution took place in two phases and all our catchment areas have been reached. We have also been able to offer counselling to our beneficiaries. We have increased awareness of flooding, urging the project participants to relocate to upper areas and avoid water bodies especially those near rivers when it rains. During the emergency distribution we urged the street children and youth to keep warm and utilise the warm clothing and blankets since the weather is not conducive and may result in respiratory diseases."


How have the children and families you work alongside been affected by the recent demolition of slum communities by the government?

"In order to save lives in the future, the government ordered evacuations and demolitions of structures and buildings that had been built illegally within 30 metres of river banks.* Sadly the demolitions have led to more suffering - communities feel betrayed and abandoned by the government since they were not prepared, or allowed to save their properties neither were they given alternative areas or houses to reside in.

The street children we work with are no longer allowed along the river banks where their bases used to be, as it’s not safe, yet for them to get a new place in the communities to establish their base has been difficult as no one will allow them outside their property and premises."


(*At the time of the floods, the Kenyan government announced three months of rental support for those displaced, however to access this, an ID card was required, which many did not have.)

Pictured above: Parents and caregivers receive emergency food supplies following the flooding (L). The flooded neighbourhood of Korogocho, in Nairobi (R).

What do you think the long-term effects of the flooding crisis may be on the communities where you work?

"Displacement and migration. The flooding has led to demolitions and the subsequent displacement of families, creating a population of internally displaced persons (IDPs) who may face the long-term challenge of integrating into new communities. Some of them might eventually end up living in the streets."


"There will be a struggle for families to cater for their basic needs, this will be a felt trickle down effect when the GDP drops for the entire country as a result of the economic disruptions caused by the floods. It will take time before communities including our project participants re-establish their businesses again.

Families who lost loved ones and properties in the floods are (and will), experience psychological issues that may take time before they accept the occurrences and losses, healing and moving on with life and this also translating in affecting their daily functioning in terms of productivity."


The road to recovery

From the moment that the floods started, thanks to Toybox supporters, local partner PKL have been helping to meet the immediate needs of street children and their families. Now, with your help, we can ensure the worst affected can start to rebuild their shattered lives.

Find out more about how you can help today.

Pictured above: Charles -Outreach and ID Officer(L) and Fridah - Economic Empowerment Programmes Officer (R).

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