The first issue of Toybox's prayer guide for 2024 is now available!
In our Winter edition, we celebrate International Day of Education on Wednesday 24th January and give thanks for the school reinforcement days being offered by Viva, our partner in El Salvador. These sessions provide vital support to children in street situations, helping them to improve their skills in literacy and numeracy. Many of these children have had interrupted access to education through needing to work to support their family. Teachers also have large classes and limited time and resources to provide the dedicated help needed for each child to learn effectively, so these days are really important.
We also give thanks for an activity alongside our partner PKL that was led by the children with whom we work in Kenya. Following a successful mediation meeting between the children and the area police officers, the children wanted to build trust by making a positive contribution in the community. Having contacted the local agricultural officer who gave them tree seedlings, the children planted them at the police station compound and committed to tending the trees until they were fully grown.
Our prayer guide guide is released quarterly and this edition takes us through January, February and March 2024.
You can download your copy, or if you would like to automatically receive the prayer guide straight to your inbox each quarter please fill in the form on the page here.
Thank you so much for praying with us.