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The Midnight Star

Seasonal fundraising

Our FREE Midnight Star resource provides a dazzling array of activities to enjoy with family, children and churches.

For a frostily festive follow-up why not try our StarGazer Fundraiser. Whether your star-gazing is real or virtual, outdoors or in, it matters not, enjoy the sky we share and light up the darkness for street children.

Imagine for a moment that as a child you didn’t have a birth certificate? What would that mean?.

For many street children around the world it limits or completely removes their access to education, healthcare and a right to an identity of their own, including having a name.

But how can you help street children to gain their voice, to be heard and understood? Please help Toybox to stand up for street children.

By using the Midnight Star resource you can:

  • Raise money to help Toybox and our partners to support street children to build a life away from the streets.
  • Help street children to receive an official identity, opportunities, and a future.
  • Help to amplify the voices of street children who are not being heard.


Other ways to get involved