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Shining a light on Street
Toybox's Global Plan 2020 to 2023

Shining a light

Over 100 million children are living or working on the streets of our global cities

This is an appalling indication of the priorities of the world we live in.

Toybox's strategy, quite simply, is to make the world a better place for street children.

Global plan 2023

Our vision

Our vision is of a just and fair world with no street children.

Our mission

Our mission, today and for the next three years, is to positively change the lives of more than 40,000 street children.

Our strategy

Our strategy is to work with children, young people and families whose lives are connected to the streets.

Our strategy

Over the next three years we will:

Grow and diversify by:

  • Reaching more street children
  • Growing and expanding our income sources

We will fulfil these ambitions through:

  • Growing our partner portfolio
  • Developing our birth registration programme across our geographical footprint
  • Supporting children, families, communities and our partners to hold their governments accountable for their commitments to street children
  • Working in partnership with others to influence for policy changes that support the rights of street children
  • Developing innovative new ways of seeking and directing funds to have the greatest impact

Deepen our Impact by:

  • Ensuring the delivery and measuring all impacts and effects of our work with street children
  • Deepening the customer experience for all our supporters

We will fulfil these ambitions through:

  • Being accountable to those we work with and transparent in how we operate
  • Continuously collecting quality data and evidence through appropriate mechanisms for decision making across the organisation
  • Remaining adaptive to new challenges presented by the changing global landscape and the chaotic contexts in which we work
  • Our desire for organisational excellence, remaining committed to innovation and learning
Our foundations

Our foundations

Standing still is not an option for us. To deliver the significant progress we need, we will invest time, resources and energy into four key organisational foundations:


Innovation is anything that changes what we do, which has a positive impact upon street children, from small incremental changes to disruptive new ideas.

Organisational excellence

To ensure we are using our resources in the best possible way, ensuring maximum benefit for street children.


To have a reputation for impact, transparency, innovation and to be the organisation of choice for those wanting to support street children.

An authentic voice

Storytelling to be the foundation for allowing us to be an authentic voice for and with street children

More about Toybox

Our history

In 1991 the BBC aired a documentary about police officers shooting children living on the streets of Guatemala City. A British couple responded to this and Toybox was born - born out of a desire to challenge injustice and change the future for street children. Our unusual name, Toybox, was chosen to capture the visual representation that every child deserves a childhood free from harm in a loving, nurturing family.

Our today

During the intervening years, Toybox, with countless dedicated, skilled staff and the most loyal supporters, has expanded its work to reach as many street children as possible. We are working across Latin America, Africa and Asia alongside children who are:

  • living and/or working on the streets;
  • subject to physical and sexual violence;
  • without birth certificates, unrecognised citizens with no rights or opportunities;
  • not in school or with no access to healthcare or a job and;
  • in conflict with the law

Today our passion, commitment and reliance on Christian ethos remains undiluted, we are a compassionate and determined people based organisation in Milton Keynes, who completely believe that one day soon there will be a world with no street children. We are spurred on by anger and compassion that today millions of children are hiding under newspapers, sleeping on pavements, cowering in doorways; desperate to find food, desperate to find a toilet and desperate to be safe.

Our tomorrow

We don't want to exist; we want to be unnecessary, irrelevant, as no child will be forced to sleep on the streets tonight.

Our values

At Toybox we have one core value: Courageous

  • To do the right thing
  • To speak the truth against injustice and
  • To be unafraid to try new ideas